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love this idea!

This is a compelling concept! I second the comment about controls but I love the way the game looks and, with some handling and framerate improvements this could be amazing. 

I don't think we've seen a 4 player DC indie title yet so that's amazing to see. Do you think it's possible for the game to support some sort of online aspect? If not pvp then perhaps leader boards via Dreampi?

On the whole, fantastic work!

Show's some good promise.  Controlling the car is a bit awkward at the moment.

Yep, it was rushed out before Xmas - we're already improving it :)

Good good, I did post a video on Youtube look forward to the update and thanks for supporting the Dreamcast :)

Great to see 3D games currently being made for Sega Dreamcast. I look forward to more games in the future. Congratulations!